I figured the altered direction for 2009 warranted a change of layout.
In other news, Ethan has an ear infection. Ouch! Poor kid! It took me a while to clue in to what his problem was. At first, I thought he might be getting Chicken Pox! I'll back up and start from the beginning....
At 3 am on Thursday, he woke and was miserable. He would not lay down, would not go to sleep, he had a mild fever, and was very irritable. He stayed awake, cuddling on the couch with me, and chewing on his fingers until I bundled him up to take Evelyn to playschool. I thought "maybe he's teething, he is chewing on his fingers a lot...I don't think it's Chicken pox - there aren't any new spots..."
It was a very long morning.
Shortly before I took Evelyn to school, I noticed Ethan's left ear looked red and I gave it a little tug. He SCREETCHED and almost hit the roof. "Ah-Ha!" I thought "An ear infection!" So I gave him some Advil (Ibuprofen) and we took Evelyn to school.
So, his sinus infection continues, his spots are going away (whatever they were...)he is still chewing on his fingers a bit, and he is in good spirits as long as the Advil is working. Predictably, every 6-8 hrs, when the Advil wears off, my little boy returns to his monster form and I know it's time for another dose.
What have I learned from this? It is extremely common for kids to develop ear infections after a sinus cold. Typically, their 'snot' turns green, and a day or two later, they are screaming and crying and nasty. They may or may not have a fever, and they may or may not pull at their ears. Warmth is very helpful in relieving pain. Both warm compresses to the outside of the ear and warm olive oil dropped into the ear offer some relief. That said - no drops in the ear after it ruptures. They likely will not tolerate laying flat either. The best way to learn is through experience, second best is through the experiences of others! I was fortunate to not have ear infections growing up, and Evelyn has never been bothered by them either. So, the adage 'It takes one to know one' did not apply here. So, those of you with young kids, learn from this story!
I think I will take Ethan for a Chiropractor adjustment as soon as I have the chance - just to make sure all his nerves are non-compressed.
Ethan and Evelyn have enjoyed 'helping' Mama by shovelling the snow I just cleared off the sidewalk from the pile - to the sidewalk! Thanks guys!
Update: at bedtime tonight, I saw that Ethan just cut his last eyetooth! So he was teething! (at least that was a part of what was wrong with him!)