This post is about the cold (weather) and our colds (illnesses). As I write this sentence, Ethan has just sneezed onto a picture he coloured, then he decided to spread that gooey germ laden goodness around the page. YUCK!
So, in the last post, I left you just as we were about to go out in the snow. This is where I will start off now.

We bundled up and took the kids outside. It was a mild -2 with about 8 cm of fresh snow. The first significant snowfall of the season. The kids were very excited to play in the white stuff. As you can tell from their huge grins in all the pictures. Evelyn wanted to wear my sock monkey hat, but it kept covering her eyes. Eventually, we walked to the store, said 'Hi' and returned home for dinner.

Evelyn has started to draw people on the chalk board. This picture is a family portrait. It started out as 'Daddy' then she decided to add the rest of us. So, Daddy is the huge face in the middle while Evelyn Ethan and I are squeezed in around the corners.

Ethan gave himself a black eye (as I wrote in the last post) here is a picture of it, plus a scratch on his cheek - courtesy of his sister. She says she only meant to pinch his cheek - not scratch it. He looks so banged up!

He has been more snuggly since his cold. He actually posed for these pictures. Pretty cute!

Evelyn has been setting up scenes for me to take pictures of her lately. She asked me to take this pic of her on the toilet with a book, and then this morning she waned a pic of her with the fan on our bed. She actually reviews the first couple shots then adjusts her pose to make a better picture. I am just happy she'll actually let me take her picture! (once in a while)

The kids entered a colouring contest at the local Co-Op. Here are their entries. Ethan is on the left, Evelyn on the right. She worked really hard on this picture.
On Friday, Ryan and all the staff went to visit a couple schools in Edmonton that are using a literacy program that Caslan will be starting. Friday was my turn to be sick. Fever, chills and aches. Coughing and sinus congestion. Fun stuff.
Saturday was Ryan's turn to be sick. Fever, fatigue and some sinus congestion. He slept all day until I left for work at 2:30 pm. Then, returned to bed as soon as the kids went to bed in the evening.
This morning, we are all feeling much improved. Ryan put on a folk music radio station this morning. Evelyn piped up "Daddy! I don't want to listen to chicken music. I don't like barn music!" I guess she is not a folk/country music fan!
I work this evening, and tomorrow evening. Next Sunday, Ryan and I are going to see the Vinyl Cafe in Edmonton!
Love the snow pictures. Thanks Bev!
So glad to hear you are all on the road to recovery with your colds. I still think -2 is cold but I guess you do become climatized. brrrr.
Have fun at the Vinyl cafe!!! I have been twice but not to a christmas concert... It is great! I always cry when Stuart leads the sing-a-long... I get so emotional sometimes! make sure you wait around at the side door and he will sign a book or cd for you...
Talk to you soon,
Great snowy pics! love the chalking! It's funny how they start out with such big heads.
I had a great laugh over E posing with a fan- what's up with THAT??!!
I hope you're all feeling better soon and have a blast at Vinyl Cafe!!!
Cute stories! I hope you get better soon. Tell Evelyn she looks beautiful in the fan picture. I love her hair! :)
Cute pics. Glad Evelyn is posing again!!! No more colds!!!!!
PS Its 10 degrees here
So many comments! I feel loved!
K- the fan is a throw back to last summer when she was terrified of fans. She overcame her fear after she was allowed to spank the fan with a wooden spoon. Since then, she has gotten more comfortable around it. It is actually pretty significant that she is hugging that fan while it is turned on! That used to send her running in terror!
Catchin' up on you! Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures, the drawings, the stories!! Hope you all are healthy again.
Love the Evelyn's comment about chicken music!! LOL!
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