They gave a little tea party for me the other day. Evelyn set a few bits of 'food' on the table and Ethan brought over some cups. "Ethan is bringing us some tea. Thank you Ethan!" He then brought over some plates, "Thank you for the plates Ethan, now come and sit down so we can eat." "Mmm, good tea Ethan, would you like some food?" He took the offered plastic grapes and proceeded to 'eat' them. Meanwhile, I am sitting there, amazed at the level of play that is going on. When did they start doing this? I love it! Maybe peaceful co-habitation is in my future!
Ethan is doing more signs, more consistently, and says a few more words. So, language is coming along. He loves to sing and will pick up a tune really quickly and hum it by himself. I can usually recognize what he is humming. He has made up one hum that reminds me of "PeeWee's playhouse" where 'PeeWee' sang "Connect the dots, La La LaLa" It is so cute to listen to him.
Evelyn is becoming more caring toward others. She is like a little nurse right now. If someone is sick she'll say "Oh, we need to get them a blanket and a drink to make them feel better". She likes to give us back and shoulder massages, and asks "Does that feel nice? Do you like it?"
When she enters a room with people she does not know, she immediately goes to them and introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Evelyn! What's your name?" If they are young, she'll then ask "Do you want to play?" Most kids are totally taken aback and stand there dumbly (not speaking) while they watch Evelyn have a blast all by herself. I think she could be listed under a dictionary explanation of Extroverted Sanguine! Friends are so important to her! If someone comes to our door, she will answer it "Hi! Welcome to my home, will you please come in? Do you want to see my kitchen?" Her diction is getting so clear that anyone can understand over 80% of what she says.
They have both been testing boundaries the last week or so. Fun. (not really). I am getting tired of constantly having to reaffirm the rules. But, if I cave, then they gain all the power. That is not the way it should be, so, I keep correcting, and hoping they'll give up soon ;-P
Ryan just reminded me that this week marks our 10 year anniversary of starting to date. 10 years!!!!! That can't be right! I'm not that I? So, a date day in the city is planned for Saturday!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the kids. And a video at the bottom of the page.
Here is Ethan's pics in review:
And Evelyn's pics in review:
Scroll over a picture to see the caption.
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This video is the whole month in under 5 minutes! There is even a tantrum in there for Sarah to enjoy ;-P
Yay! pictures and a video!
Love it!
You sound busy! Who scrubs the outside of their house?! What for?
Kite flying... it looks so peaceful. And that tantrum at the end of the video- priceless! haha...
Awesome additions- I can't believe Evelyn's level of speech!!! That's incredible! She sounds like an airline stewardess! HAHA
And ethan- what an ear!
Happy 10 years! :D
Congratulations Bev and Ryan! It will be 5 years for Alan and I this September!
Hi! We just got a car seat from Sears. Was that from you? I was assuming... Congrats on your anniversary! Time flies!
Great pics as always, Bev. Glad to hear they're getting along better! Sounds like a fun tea party :)
So cute! I wonder where Evelyn gets her nursing instincts from? I used to be like Evelyn when I was a kid. I would knock on all my neighbors houses when we moved somewhere new and ask if they had any kids I could play with. Not shy at all :)
Thanks for a great post Bev! It's just great to keep up to date with you no matter if it's monthly or whatever.
:D Ruth
wow! I am so impressed with Evelyn's manners! that is an answer to prayer! she is a delightful little girl, and it is great to see her God-given exuberance used for a good purpose, harnessed with self-control! yay! I'm at work so I can't see the video, but I look forward to watching it! nothing like seeing a good tantrum to stop me from feeling sorry for myself!
:) yes, the speech level is really quite amazing. I suppose all that extrovertedness caused her to pick up on a lot of language!
oh yes, and PTL on delivering your town from the forest fires! that is another answer to prayer! :)
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