So, my friend in Kenya just had a house fire. Her kitchen is toast, but the damage was minimized thanks to a working fire extinguisher and a co-worker who spotted it early.
What has impressed me is how she gives thanks for the situation and praises God for having her kitchen destroyed. It's worth a read. This is a life lesson on giving thanks in all things. The post title is "House on fire"
There is a link on her side bar that leads to her organization's donation site. Should you feel led to do so, they accept online donations. Her name is Alida Fernhout.
The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Third week of June
We had to take Ethan's knitted blankets away from him at night. I woke up to him SCREAMING at 6 am last week and went to investigate. He had wrapped a loop of yarn around one of his finger tips. It was wound so tightly the tip was dark purple and I had a hard time freeing him. After I got it off, the colour returned, but he was still whimpering for another 10 minutes. I think the resultant pins and needles were almost as bad! So, he can cuddle it during stories and while awake during the day, but has to use a cloth quilt at night. The first few naps and sleeps were rough, but he seems to be getting used to it now. That blanket is by far his favourite thing, so it's been a bit rough for him.
"Mother!" (She likes to call me 'mother' now) "Can I play with you? I just have to get ready...." (she says this as she starts to strip down in form of me)
"What are you doing?" I ask
"I'm gonna play the exercise game with you. On the tight rope!"
"Why are you taking your clothes off?"
"Oh, because it's better."(Like I should know this fact already)
"Fine, just put your underwear back on. Okay?"I say as I shake my head and wonder (For the thousandth time - what is she thinking?!?!)
Today was my last Big Brother/Big Sister meeting with my 'little sister'. We finished her scrapbook and she got to take it home. I just want to encourage everyone to consider volunteering as an inschool mentor. 1 hr a week is all it takes. Many employeers will even pay you for the time and let you go during the workday. Think about it.
Check out the newest installment of the motorcycle diaries.
I have mentioned my old co-worker Alida a couple times before. She is an RN working in Kenya as a missionary. She has a real gift for photography and writing. She has shared a few instalments of her adventures in learning how to drive a motorcycle, taking the test, and getting her license. Today, she posts about actually getting her bike.
Totally 'Wazimu' - crazy.
Check it out (and read the old instalments too) at:
Totally 'Wazimu' - crazy.
Check it out (and read the old instalments too) at:
Friday, 6 June 2008
First week of June
Wow! a new post before the month is up!?!?! I just had to share some of these pics from this week with you.
Monday was a chore day. Not much to report. We went to the school to play, got stuck there while a thunder storm passed overhead, then walked home in the brief dry period between thunder showers. I went to a staff meeting in the afternoon. We DESPERATELY need RN's. I have never felt the 'nursing shortage' so acutely before. There is a very real possibility that the hospital could have to close if we can't find more RN's to work. We'll be losing a few in the next month from our staff, and now we don't have enough people to fill all the shifts. Working an RN short is not an option, as there must be one RN in the hospital at all times. We only ever have 1 on shift, so there is no wiggle room there. We need more staff. 2 full time would be great! Anyone???

On Tuesday, the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. The mosquitoes have taken a well deserved vacation this year, (they worked overtime the last 2 years) and we can actually play outside! So, I set up our hose and nozzle to spray a fine mist and let the kids 'have at it'. They had a blast. The mist was perfect for them to play with. Ethan got many a full on face spray and loved it. They got wet, but not dripping, and it was not as cold as a full blast. After a little while spraying Ethan, Evelyn decided to turn the nozzle on herself. I love the face she is making in this picture!
On Wednesday, we went to the year end party for playgroup. It was hosted at one of the Mom's houses. They live on a grain farm and their property was beautiful. They had a huge old farm house with a big front porch, a big red barn and a few other buildings all in excellent (and very old) condition. The best part was a huge 'club house' that was about 8 feet off the ground with 2 big slides and a few swings and hanging bars. The kids had such a good time playing. Their place is a little boy's dream yard.
On Thursday, we spent about 3 hrs at the school for track and field day. We've gone every year and Evelyn has always had a blast. This year was no different. She made the rounds and visited with most of the students. Ethan worked on his climbing skills at the playground. He is getting way too good at climbing. I really have to be on my toes when he is around anything with height! Ethan was also into all the balls. He made a bee-line for them as soon as we got there. He tried to sit on them. It was super cute to watch him try to figure out how to make it stay still, then turn around and gently lower his bottom onto the ball - only to have it scoot away. So, he'd try again. He got on a couple times, but it never lasted very long! He had a good time playing with a student at the school with Downes. She loves babies. She would try to tickle Ethan, he would run away, then stop and turn around and say "Ick'le Ick'le" while tickling himself, then start running as soon as she got close.
This year, Evelyn absolutely coveted the coloured ribbons the kids got for each event. She got a 4th place ribbon from someone, and went to ask for a pin to attach it to her shirt. The ribbon 'giver-outers' gave her a first place ribbon as well as the pin.
So, she has 2 ribbons. She pinned them to her pyjamas last night. She pinned them to her clothes today. She told anyone who would listen about her ribbons and showed them proudly. Tonight, she pinned them to her jammies again... It's cute, but I'm not sure how long I can let her wear, and brag about, a couple ribbons that she did nothing to earn! We'll see how long they are important to her...
Today, we spent 8 hrs in Lac La Biche while the car was serviced and Ryan was in Bonnyville for his final Leadership Academy session. (He carpooled from LLB to Bonny) We played at 2 parks for almost 2 hrs. We walked along the lake. We ate out twice, and we visited the chiropractor. We went to the farmers market but didn't buy anything. Then, we played at a park for a little bit longer while we waited for Ryan's carpool to get back. I was wearing a pedometer that we got in a box of Special K. It registered that I walked about 9 km's. That is about what I guessed. Pretty good exercise for me!
Tomorrow, our friend Melissa is babysitting (free of charge!!!!) and Ryan and I are going on a 10 year anniversary of dating date. The plan is to go to the city and do a bit of shopping, see the new Narnia movie, then dinner at East Side Marios and home around 9-10 pm.
Monday was a chore day. Not much to report. We went to the school to play, got stuck there while a thunder storm passed overhead, then walked home in the brief dry period between thunder showers. I went to a staff meeting in the afternoon. We DESPERATELY need RN's. I have never felt the 'nursing shortage' so acutely before. There is a very real possibility that the hospital could have to close if we can't find more RN's to work. We'll be losing a few in the next month from our staff, and now we don't have enough people to fill all the shifts. Working an RN short is not an option, as there must be one RN in the hospital at all times. We only ever have 1 on shift, so there is no wiggle room there. We need more staff. 2 full time would be great! Anyone???
This year, Evelyn absolutely coveted the coloured ribbons the kids got for each event. She got a 4th place ribbon from someone, and went to ask for a pin to attach it to her shirt. The ribbon 'giver-outers' gave her a first place ribbon as well as the pin.
Today, we spent 8 hrs in Lac La Biche while the car was serviced and Ryan was in Bonnyville for his final Leadership Academy session. (He carpooled from LLB to Bonny) We played at 2 parks for almost 2 hrs. We walked along the lake. We ate out twice, and we visited the chiropractor. We went to the farmers market but didn't buy anything. Then, we played at a park for a little bit longer while we waited for Ryan's carpool to get back. I was wearing a pedometer that we got in a box of Special K. It registered that I walked about 9 km's. That is about what I guessed. Pretty good exercise for me!
Tomorrow, our friend Melissa is babysitting (free of charge!!!!) and Ryan and I are going on a 10 year anniversary of dating date. The plan is to go to the city and do a bit of shopping, see the new Narnia movie, then dinner at East Side Marios and home around 9-10 pm.
Sunday, 1 June 2008
wow, May just flew by!
This is starting to become a bad habit. Blogging last month in summary at the beginning of the new month. Where did May go? I worked, I completed my ACLS certificate (100% on the written!) I worked some more... Playgroup, farm visit, walk-a-thon, Kite flying, playing at the park and having picnics... going through all our extra 'stuff' and pulling out things to sell at a yard sale or pass on to other moms (to be). Laundry, housework, de-cluttering, more laundry... I washed and scrubbed the outside of my house yesterday too! I guess it can be summed up as a month of spring cleaning. And I only have about half of my 'to do' list crossed off!
Highlight of the month was several forest fires that burned near our area. The one on the settlement scorched a large area but missed all the houses. There were some campers and sheds and cars that were lost, but no homes PTL! I understand that the Caslan Volunteer FD was responsible for the area around the Rodeo grounds. As you can see from some of my pictures, the grounds are still standing! They did a great job of protecting the buildings in that area. The line where the fire was halted was only about 10 metres from the stands. When we drove through the settlement, there were several areas where fire had scorched all around and between several houses, yet they remained unscathed. Already, new shoots of grass are poking through and things are loosing that blackened look.
Evelyn and Ethan are starting to play really well together. She invites him into her room and gives him a role to play in her game. He doesn't always understand what she wants him to do, but he loves that she is playing with him. She has been sharing her toys more willingly and will tolerate Ethan playing downstairs with her.
They gave a little tea party for me the other day. Evelyn set a few bits of 'food' on the table and Ethan brought over some cups. "Ethan is bringing us some tea. Thank you Ethan!" He then brought over some plates, "Thank you for the plates Ethan, now come and sit down so we can eat." "Mmm, good tea Ethan, would you like some food?" He took the offered plastic grapes and proceeded to 'eat' them. Meanwhile, I am sitting there, amazed at the level of play that is going on. When did they start doing this? I love it! Maybe peaceful co-habitation is in my future!
Ethan is doing more signs, more consistently, and says a few more words. So, language is coming along. He loves to sing and will pick up a tune really quickly and hum it by himself. I can usually recognize what he is humming. He has made up one hum that reminds me of "PeeWee's playhouse" where 'PeeWee' sang "Connect the dots, La La LaLa" It is so cute to listen to him.
Evelyn is becoming more caring toward others. She is like a little nurse right now. If someone is sick she'll say "Oh, we need to get them a blanket and a drink to make them feel better". She likes to give us back and shoulder massages, and asks "Does that feel nice? Do you like it?"
When she enters a room with people she does not know, she immediately goes to them and introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Evelyn! What's your name?" If they are young, she'll then ask "Do you want to play?" Most kids are totally taken aback and stand there dumbly (not speaking) while they watch Evelyn have a blast all by herself. I think she could be listed under a dictionary explanation of Extroverted Sanguine! Friends are so important to her! If someone comes to our door, she will answer it "Hi! Welcome to my home, will you please come in? Do you want to see my kitchen?" Her diction is getting so clear that anyone can understand over 80% of what she says.
They have both been testing boundaries the last week or so. Fun. (not really). I am getting tired of constantly having to reaffirm the rules. But, if I cave, then they gain all the power. That is not the way it should be, so, I keep correcting, and hoping they'll give up soon ;-P
Ryan just reminded me that this week marks our 10 year anniversary of starting to date. 10 years!!!!! That can't be right! I'm not that I? So, a date day in the city is planned for Saturday!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the kids. And a video at the bottom of the page.
Here is Ethan's pics in review:
And Evelyn's pics in review:
Scroll over a picture to see the caption.
To upload any pics visit:
This video is the whole month in under 5 minutes! There is even a tantrum in there for Sarah to enjoy ;-P
They gave a little tea party for me the other day. Evelyn set a few bits of 'food' on the table and Ethan brought over some cups. "Ethan is bringing us some tea. Thank you Ethan!" He then brought over some plates, "Thank you for the plates Ethan, now come and sit down so we can eat." "Mmm, good tea Ethan, would you like some food?" He took the offered plastic grapes and proceeded to 'eat' them. Meanwhile, I am sitting there, amazed at the level of play that is going on. When did they start doing this? I love it! Maybe peaceful co-habitation is in my future!
Ethan is doing more signs, more consistently, and says a few more words. So, language is coming along. He loves to sing and will pick up a tune really quickly and hum it by himself. I can usually recognize what he is humming. He has made up one hum that reminds me of "PeeWee's playhouse" where 'PeeWee' sang "Connect the dots, La La LaLa" It is so cute to listen to him.
Evelyn is becoming more caring toward others. She is like a little nurse right now. If someone is sick she'll say "Oh, we need to get them a blanket and a drink to make them feel better". She likes to give us back and shoulder massages, and asks "Does that feel nice? Do you like it?"
When she enters a room with people she does not know, she immediately goes to them and introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Evelyn! What's your name?" If they are young, she'll then ask "Do you want to play?" Most kids are totally taken aback and stand there dumbly (not speaking) while they watch Evelyn have a blast all by herself. I think she could be listed under a dictionary explanation of Extroverted Sanguine! Friends are so important to her! If someone comes to our door, she will answer it "Hi! Welcome to my home, will you please come in? Do you want to see my kitchen?" Her diction is getting so clear that anyone can understand over 80% of what she says.
They have both been testing boundaries the last week or so. Fun. (not really). I am getting tired of constantly having to reaffirm the rules. But, if I cave, then they gain all the power. That is not the way it should be, so, I keep correcting, and hoping they'll give up soon ;-P
Ryan just reminded me that this week marks our 10 year anniversary of starting to date. 10 years!!!!! That can't be right! I'm not that I? So, a date day in the city is planned for Saturday!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the kids. And a video at the bottom of the page.
Here is Ethan's pics in review:
And Evelyn's pics in review:
Scroll over a picture to see the caption.
To upload any pics visit:
This video is the whole month in under 5 minutes! There is even a tantrum in there for Sarah to enjoy ;-P
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