He has taken a few steps, here and there, before now, but on Friday, (while Ryan and I were at work) he really started to go. All evening on Friday, he kept trying more and more. He will walk for about 3-4 feet before loosing his balance now. He is so proud of himself (and we are proud of him too!) That evening, I took him for a walk to the stop sign at the end of our crescent. He walked all the way there, and half the way back. It took us 20 minutes to go about 200 m (round trip).
I think Evelyn was almost the exact same age when she walked.
In other news, both the kids are sick. Ethan woke on Sunday morning at 3 am with a fever (the night that we moved the clocks forward....and lost a hour of sleep to begin with...and I worked the next day....) Anyway, he was miserable. I held him for about 45 min, then resettled him in bed. I could get not back to sleep :-(
When I arrived home from work, Evelyn had also become sick and had a fever as well. They were both screaming and miserable. Eventually, they perked up and ate a tiny bit, played a bit, and slept well. (It is 9:30 am as I write this and Ethan is still asleep!) They have what Ryan had last weekend and the first half of the week. Harsh coughs, fever, chills, sinus congestion. We've seen quite a few cases in Emerg. On day 2-3 they all seem to get chest pain...(Ryan included) . I feel well at this point, so Ryan did not give it to me. (Wait a minute, by 1 pm, the chills and sinus congestion and headache has hit me full tilt)
Our babysitter swerved her car to avoid a Moose and ended up in the ditch, with some whiplash. When I related the story to Evelyn, and explained that Serena had a sore neck, she understood that "A Moose stepped on Serena's neck!" That was why she had a sore neck.
Evelyn has become a bit of a hypochondriac. She has every ache and pain that anyone else has, plus a few she made up on her own! Shortly after hearing about Serena's neck, she decided that "A Giraffe stepped on my neck!" and she had a sore neck too.
The kids are both loving to take all the cushions off the couch and chair and have started to jump from the chair onto the cushions. The cushions also serve as a train, a dinosaur, a car, or any other thing you can imagine it would be fun to ride on.
Evelyn and Ethan both love to dance with 'Dora'. Evelyn was given a dance adventure kit for her birthday complete with costume and maracas. She and Ethan love to shake their maracas and wiggle their hips with 'Dora' on an almost daily basis. I find it entertaining to watch them and it is good exercise too!
Ethan cut another tooth. #9. He has mastered how to climb on the kitchen chairs. He has also figured out how to push the chairs to the counter and climb up there too... This is not a welcome development.
According to Evelyn, I am getting married. I will wear a big beautiful dress, and a tiara, and will go to a castle. She tells me this several times a day. She has started to pay attention to our wedding pictures and I think she feels she missed out on a neat day. I'll have to make a special tea for her and wear my dress and tiara. I let her try my veil on with my tiara. She looked and felt very pretty.
I can't think of anything else to write. Enjoy the pics and video of Ethan walking.
I love comments!
Great pictures and all. Thanks for update. Granddad.
Contrats, Ethan!! Good goin'! Now you can get your mom to chase you AND catch you when you go climbing! So busy! You can tell he knows he's accomplished something.
Great pictures, Bev. The dancing is CUTE! Ethan changed beat at the appropriate time, eh. Your girly sure has beautiful hair.
Love you all,
Nana Ruth
Can't believe how fast they are growing up. Ethan is almost out of the baby phase. Thanks for the pics otherwise I'd miss out on so much.
WE LOVE THE PICTURES!! D and B sit mesmorized watching the videos and slide shows!
What dress do you get dress up in for your wedding? D wanted us to be princesses the other day so he picked out our fanciest dresses to put on. It was fun!
Good walking Ethan! He'll be a pro by the time we get to the lake! haha... just one more body to chase down! :D
I have to dress up in my real wedding dress. But, the most important part is that I have to go to a castle!
Way to go Ethan!!!! We got a baby gate so it wont be such a mess with chairs when you guys come this time! ;)
Sorry to hear you all have been not well. Thank you the wonderful pictures. Can't wait to see you all soon. Love and kisses to all.
Thanks for putting up the pictures and video Bev. I especially liked the video of Ryan and Ethan walking in the snow. Can't believe how much Ethan has changed since you were out in Oct.
Woo hoo! Another walker! Good pics. Hmmm...maybe I'll dress up fancy sometime soon :)
Just looking at the pictures again. It's been a busy but quiet day. I needed a "grandchildren" fill up!! :D
ooooh! they are so adorable! you do such a great job of putting your blog together bev, you put so much time into it.
are you feeling better?
there are some really great quality photos in that filmstrip there. I like how you captured moments.
oh, and LOVE the video! he IS pleased with himself! yay!
so love them!
funny about the moose on the neck!
oh and cute picture with E in a wig. reminds me of that one on K's blog with Jesper in a wig :)
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