We will be going about our day in the usual way, when, unexpectedly, Evelyn will cock her head and say "Listen Mom! Do you hear the sheep! It's stuck in the mud! It needs our help!"
So, Super Ella is called into action, she dons her cape, grabs her trusty rope/lasso/kite string/dog leash/ whatever-it-needs-to-be and she is off to save the distressed animal.
More often than not, she gets herself 'stuck in the mud' along with the unfortunate creature. Apparently we are having an endemic mud problem. (I'll have to get the drainage fixed...) She calls for Mom to help her get free. She will toss me an end of her 'rope' and hold on -straining- as I pull her free. Then, it's the needy beast's turn. When they are clear of the mud, she pretends to lift them up and comes to me with her hands cupped saying "It's okay little sheep. I saved you. You're not stuck now." She will then pretend to place the sheep on the floor and give it a little pat as she sends it on it's way.
It is so neat to watch her interact with the void of space that is the animal in a completely realistic way. I have been looking forward to watching her imagination develop since she was still a fetus. It is exciting to see it bloom.
She has also been playing "Train" and "Race Car". In these games, she moves all the kitchen chairs into a line (for the train) or a cluster (for the race car). The train game goes like this:
"Mommy! let's play TRAIN! You can be the driver!" She pulls me over to the first chair. "Ethan, you can sit right here" And so he sits. "Make the train go Mom!"
"Chhh-ga Ch-ga, Ding Ding, Ding Ding, Ch-ga Ch-ga, Woo-Wooooo!" say I.
"Stop the train! We got to pick up D! (and B! and Juliana! and Casey!)"
I comply "Chhhhhh-ga, Ssssssssssss, Ding Ding, All Aboard!"
She crouches down and talks to a void of space about 8 inches tall. "Hi D! (B, Juliana, Casey) do you wan to go for a ride on my train?" "Okay! You can sit right here." She gently picks her friend up and holds them near to her chest. She carries them over to their assigned seat and carefully places them down as she says "Here you go. This is your seat right here." She takes her own seat and calls out "Let's go Mommy!" And off we go to pick up the next friend. Then, we head to Chuck E Cheese and go on all the rides, then we have ice cream, then, the game is ended by Mommy ;-)
He is getting more interested in playing 'peek a boo' and has been sitting quietly while looking at a book. I will often find him in his room playing by himself with his cars and books. He usually has pulled his sleep sack off his crib - along with his blue knitted blanket - and will be sitting with his blanket wrapped around him and his soother in his mouth. He really notices textures and loves anything knitted or soft. Most of the time though, he wants to bite the knitted item and will pull loops of yarn out.
He continues to stand independently, he can even climb onto the kitchen chairs now. But, no walking yet.
Again, run your mouse over the film strip to see the captions. Please check out the 2 other posts from today as well.
Wow your kids are doing so well. I love the way Evelyn uses her imagination to play. Your pictures are adorable. Ethan is incredibly cute with his front teeth. Thanks again for keeping your blog up to date. I love reading and looking at all the adventures. Love you all Granddad.
He does look like Papa Smurf, but way cuter!!!!!! Evelyn is so funny and imaginative. Keep the pics coming. Really loved and appreciated.
I remember playing train! G and the stuffed animals and I used to play that game a lot. Such fun! Cute kids :)
I LOVE that pic of Evelyn. You really caught the feeling and emotion of her imagination in the photo- probably all chance right? Well, it's perfect! And Ethan looks hilarious! Love his little 2 tooth grin. Makes me laugh!
There is a pic of BL and I playing train when we are 4 and 2 (?) at TWU.
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