The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Swings and Make-Believe
We have been very laid back the past few days. The kids have been low-key.
Evelyn is working on becoming potty trained again. She has had more accidents than successes at this point. Last night, she climbed onto the coffee table and left a huge puddle. Yuck! I am glad that there are Chlorox wipes! She has continued to enjoy playing with Ethan and will bring him toys to play with. Sometimes, she will knock him over in her play. When this happens, she goes to her room, and when she is ready, she comes out and apologizes. "Sor-we, Ee-Fee". He is always quick to forgive and gives her a big smile. (Probably thinking 'Wow! She is taking to me!)
Ethan is working on lunging for toys and pulling himself up on furniture. He has started to reach so far forward that he is on his knees (with his feet tucked under him and still crossed) He usually gets stuck in this position and cries for rescue. He has also started to regularly turn onto his tummy when he is in bed. Sometimes he is fine with that and will fall asleep. Other times, he screams for rescue again. He is able to turn from tummy to back. He just seems to forget when he is worked up. He loves to pull all his toys out of his toy box. He leaves a ring of toys around him.
We had a little picnic in a park in Boyle. Ethan quietly loved the swing. No squeals of delight from him! Just a huge smile and rotating wrists to show that he is excited. Evelyn played with a little boy and was very obedient in coming when we had to go.
On Sunday, Ryan took Ethan into the adjoining nursery during the service. He bounced him for quite a while, then, Ethan settled in and fell asleep. No crying, and no soother! When the service ended, I looked back into the nursery and saw Ethan sound asleep on Ryan's lap, arm stretched out. SO CUTE!
That is about it!
Enjoy the video of Evelyn dressed up in one of her outfits. She does a sort of interpretive dance to show it off. Note that she has not one, but TWO pairs of wings on! There is also a clip of her enjoying the feel of her ringlet pigtails on her cheek. I can remember doing the same thing when I had long hair. Finally, a short clip of Ethan on the swing. The video is about 37 seconds long.
E's ponytails are so cute! B left a bit puddle on her high chair after lunch today. :P Yucky! And Ethan looks so happy in the swing! I miss his huge grins!
They are growing so fast. Sure miss you all. The potty training will come. One day it will be like magic and you will wonder if this is for real. Love you all
E's ponytails are so cute! B left a bit puddle on her high chair after lunch today. :P Yucky! And Ethan looks so happy in the swing! I miss his huge grins!
I love you kiddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice to see you again!!! :)
her oversized gloves resemble talons to me. .
They are growing so fast. Sure miss you all. The potty training will come. One day it will be like magic and you will wonder if this is for real. Love you all
Casey liked the video!
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