America's Funniest Videos (AFV for short) is Evelyn's favorite show (aside from Dora the Explorer and Little Bear) and she loves to say "Doof!" while she holds her head when she sees people hurting themselves. She thinks it is hilarious.
Anyway, her attitude quickly changed with Ryan's comment. The next evening, when we were watching AFV, Evelyn expected to see herself on the show! I wish we had taken a video!
Anyway, Ethan was presented with a hand woven Metis sash in honor of his birth and as a thank-you for the support we have given the kids. It is really beautiful and a huge honor to have been given a hand made sash. Evelyn was given a regular, commercially made one that is also nice.
I took these photo's last week (now that the weather is nice) to print as a thank-you note. Evelyn is doing a little Jig and Ethan is looking very handsome.
Soon after this pic was taken, Evelyn hopped out of the box and closed it on Ethan. He went along with it for a minute or so, then decided he was not into "Hide / Seek" and did not want to be mailed anywhere right now!
We also saw some baby chicks too. Ethan even got to touch one. I was afraid it might nip at his fingers, but the chick behaved, and Ethan was delighted.
I like how the light worked in this picture.
It was a fun morning, but I am beat!
We took Evelyn's soother away from her on Saturday. She is putting up less of a fuss at bed and nap times, but still protests for about 15 min before giving up. She has become an expert staller in the past week. "Cup of Water?, One More Song?, Cuddles?, Kisses!?" .... I hope that we will be back to normal in another week or so.
I let Evelyn go commando yesterday after seeing how effective it was for B's potty training. She did not pee all morning. Then, I put training pants on her for a nap (after I had her sit on the potty) and she proceeded to pee in the training pants within about 10 min of wearing them. So, I got her dried off, put a new pair on, and she had her nap. When she woke up, she had pooped in the training pants. I cleaned her up, left her bare.... nothing. Then when Ryan put her into her PJ's he noticed a wet patch on the carpet of her room. So, she had peed at some point, but, surprisingly, did not fuss about it. She really wants to have some "Dora diapers" (pull-ups) so I am using that as motivation. She will get her Dora panties when she uses the potty all the time.
I will try again this afternoon and tomorrow... We shall see!
It fits!! I actually took B's blouse out of the closet the other day and it's still big! And that's the size 2. My goodness these patterns are huge.
I love all the stories. It's amazing to see how kids can change their perspective when they can understand the humor in it!
I laughed and laughed at E's potty story! haha! That's how B was the first day too. She can hold it for like 4 hours!!! Then you put the diaper on for naps and it gets SOAKED! haha... ah well...
hahaha! you have such a fun life!! all the things you do together!
and my your kids are sooo cute. I'm so looking forward to seeing them in 5 weeks!
and KA can sew clothes??? like when did this happen?! amazing. is that what happens when you get married and have kids? :)
yeah you are really great at recollecting and writing stories bev
Ya, well you know, all this time on my hands in a small town... haha...
Great stories! Everyday life is so full and interesting when children are involved. I love the way they appreciate the moment - we lose that so quickly and I think children help us get it back.
Go Evelyn! Hoping diapers are done!
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