I have spent a couple days re-arranging and organizing and cleaning the 'playroom' in the basement. I put up a second shelf unit and hung a rack for the dress-up outfits. I finally unpacked all the children's books and put them out on the ledge. We have some really great books! I think it is time to start thinning out the board books and put some new stories in the rotation! I also figured out how to hang the jolly jumper from a beam. I just had to nail some floor board scraps into the beam to form a ledge for the jumper to hang from.
He had been sleeping poorly again, so I spent the last few days putting him on a very strict 3 hr routine during the day. I rarely pay much attention to the clock, though our routine is pretty constant, but, I knew I had to get at least 6 feeds into him during the day if I was going to let him cry it out at night. It worked, and we are back to 8-9 hrs at night. He used to do 11 hrs at least 2 times a week, but we have not got back to that yet. At least I am feeling sane and human again!
Next day brought 5 loads of laundry and I also opened our 'dish barrel' for the first time since we left Calgary. I dug out my china teapots and a few plates to display. I missed that stuff! I wish I could display more.
Today, we went to Boyle to return some bottles, get groceries, look for a spring coat for Ethan, and fill our water jug. Evelyn threw several small tantrums in Fields. That cut short the search for a coat. We then went for lunch at a cute little bistro that has the best fries. Then groceries, and home.

Ryan is at a leadership workshop for aboriginal youth this weekend. The photo and video project the school has been working on will be presented. I think the Premier's of both Alberta and BC will be there. It is a great opportunity to show off the pics and stories that the kids have done. He is back on Sunday evening. So, I am in for a long weekend!
Oh! Evelyn has pooped on the potty twice in the last few days. She is asking to go, then will sit and wait until she does. I am very excited. She takes her diaper off as soon as she pees now, but has only peed on the potty once. Her new favorite book is the 'Potty Book' and she listens to it so intently when I read it. Each time after she had a successful potty time, she asks to read that book again. She also always remembers to ask for her candies. "3 candies!" (one for sitting, two for going #2), (she would get one for going #1 - two total- if she actually ever does it!) We give her gummy bears. I feel like we are finally making some real potty progress!
So, I guess THAT is where the days have gone!
Phew!!! You've been busy!! What a productive couple of days! Yay on the potty training! finally! (one less kid for the parrish diaper duty at the lake!)Ethans face is changing - he is VERY handsome! I love how the collages turned out - do I get one of the belly?! It'll go in my november pages.
I'm pretty sure BL would have a spring coat that would fit E.
So good to hear from you. The pictures are great and your scrapbook collages look wonderful. Hopefully Ethan will keep on the right track for sleeping. No proper sleep and looking after 2 children not a good thing for you. Love and miss you all.
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