Wednesday 7 July 2010


We have accepted an offer on our house, so it is conditionally sold! The conditions will be removed on July 22 and possession (for the new owners) is Aug 12th. So, a very happy 10th anniversary to us! (I can't wait to look at our account on the 12th and see that beautiful bump in the balance!)

We will be renting in Nanaimo until we find a house that will suit us perfectly. We are hopeful that we could move again (our final move) by September!

Our address for the interim is:

3809 Morris Place
Nanaimo BC
V9T 3W2

We are renting the upper floor of a home (3 bedroom, 1100 sqft, recently renovated).

We will be using our cell phones, and the numbers have not been changed yet. So they will remain:

780 404 4957
780 404 9527

You will have a 50/50 chance of getting either of us. We use the phones interchangeably.

We will leave Caslan on July 13th, and our stuff (and we) should arrive July 16th.

So, we will need to re-name the Blog! We won't be the "Cracknell's of Caslan" any more, nor will we be the 'Displaced Westcoasters'!

Any suggestions???


Annie said...

Island Inhabitants
Reinstated Island Indigene
Island Indweller
Reestablished Residents
Redeemed Urbanite....

There's a few ideas ;) You are both very clever though, and probably don't need my help!

Ruth said...

Oh, aren't we excited that the Cracknells are not displaced any more! Haha!

"The Cracknell's Coast Chronicles"
Finally home!


A-J said...

Hurray!! I like mom's suggestion the best.

BevC said...

I like the 'Coast Chronicles'. Thanks Ruth!

shawna said...

hey bev-
can you pass on a message to k-a for me? i seem to no longer be able to view her blog. don't know if i accidentally got deleted or intentionally. i also no longer have her email address so i have no way to get in touch with her. can you pass on the message that if she'd like to let me view her blog, my address to add is sskirrow(at)
thanks. hope all is going well for you guys 8)