Tuesday, 25 October 2011


 October 15th was my first weekend day off in almost 2 months. We took advantage of the oppertunity and headed down to Victoria. On the way, we stopped at Goldstream in hopes of seeing some salmon run. Unfortunately, the fish are late this year, so we will have to try again later.

As we were parking, we ran into an old friend. Donna  Veepkamp was my 'Big Sister' when I was growing up. She was also out enjoying the sunshine and walking her dogs with her husband and son. It was nice to see her.

 We took a few photos of the kids...
And of our new friend 'Flat Stanley'. He was sent to us by a young boy who is a son of one of Ryan's card collecting associates in the US. He had quite the adventure and saw some beautiful sights. 

 You may be having a sense of Deja-vu with these photos. For good reason! We have photographed the kids at this particular log over several years. This is this year-------->

 <------This is 2 years ago. You can just hear Ethan exclaiming "El-la!" over some minor annoyance.

 <-----This one is from three years ago. Ethan would be about 1 1/2 and Evelyn would be 3 1/2.

This one here ------->
is from 2 years ago, so they are 2 1/2 and 4 1/2.

Finally, below is from this year. Ethan is almost 5 and Evelyn is approaching 7. I don't think we'll be able to put Ethan inside the log next year!

 After Goldstream, we visited with Ryan's Dad and Maralee for a bit, then Ryan took his dad to a movie (as a birthday present for him). The kids and I visited with my mom during that time. Then, we met up again after the movie and headed to Ryan's grandparents house for a short visit. Then, home.

Rainbow Sweaters

We match! Maralee knitted this colourful (and cozy) sweater for me as a birthday present.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Kindergarten thanksgiving

I got my eyes on you!
Ethan's tablemates. Boston and ...?

Playing kinex with Ben

A birthday Visit

Dawne and Tyson bring out the cake.

Mmmmm.... Black Forest Cake from the light house bakery in Langford.

Story time with Auntie Dawne.

Ethan and Tyson in their Monkey Sweaters (made by Grandma)

The Cousins in their sweaters from Grandma.

Ethan hid in his stuffy bucket and fell asleep!