Ethan decided to strip down to his diaper and cuddle on my lap in the afternoon light. The light was so nice, and the camera was right beside me, so I caught these pics of him. At the end, I took his diaper off and got one of my big boy. He's really not a baby any more! I remember taking several 'nudes' of both the kids over the years. This was the first time I saw a child in the photo and not a baby.
The adventures of the Cracknell family as we enjoy our small life.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
I wasn't sure where these pics would fit best, so I decided to make a post just for them.
Evelyn and I worked on making a flower moziac picture. She did an excellent job placing the squares in just the right spot. She was SO proud of the result. I think it looks very neat.
Ethan decided to strip down to his diaper and cuddle on my lap in the afternoon light. The light was so nice, and the camera was right beside me, so I caught these pics of him. At the end, I took his diaper off and got one of my big boy. He's really not a baby any more! I remember taking several 'nudes' of both the kids over the years. This was the first time I saw a child in the photo and not a baby.
Ethan decided to strip down to his diaper and cuddle on my lap in the afternoon light. The light was so nice, and the camera was right beside me, so I caught these pics of him. At the end, I took his diaper off and got one of my big boy. He's really not a baby any more! I remember taking several 'nudes' of both the kids over the years. This was the first time I saw a child in the photo and not a baby.
A parcel from Nana
We recieved an unexpected parcel from Ryan's mom last week. The kids had a blast opening all the goodies and exclaiming over each item. The highlights were some hand made PJ's and a hand made 'Littlest Pet Shop' cloth bag, and a couple hand made fleecy sweaters for Evelyn. Evelyn also recieved a very special circus themed playset that she has been drooling over for almost a year. Once all the gifts were out of the box, the box became another great gift! The humble cardboard box truely deserves it's place in the 'Toy Hall of Fame'. Thank you for spoiling us Nana!
Monday, 30 March 2009
Snow, Sun, and Silliness
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Galaxy Land
We spent a day over Spring Break at West Edmonton Mall. Last time we went, the kids played on the big jungle gym. This time, they wanted to ride the rides. Ethan is still free - as he's 2 years old, but since he's so tall, he made the height requirement for many of the bigger rides. So, he got to ride the 'Cosmic Bounce' and 'Dragon Wagon' along with Evelyn. So far, Ethan is turning out to the the daredevil. Evelyn challenged herself and bravely tried new rides also. The 'Dragon Wagon' was sparcely occupied with riders, and the operator let the kids ride 3 times in a row! As soon as the ride stopped, I could hear them saying "Can we go again?"
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Evelyn's dance class
Friday, 27 March 2009
A video from our visit
This is from our visit to K-A at the beginning of March. This the first chance I've had to do anything with these clips. I love seeing the kids reaction to the plane taking off on the way there.
The world from Evelyn's point of view
Evelyn had a blast taking pictures on her own a little while ago. It was interesting to see what she thought was photo worthy. Many of her pics are blurry, but a few turned out really well. Her favorite pic will not be shared as she decided that a picture of a urine filled toilet - complete with TP was the best thing she captured on 'film'. She breaks into hysterical laughter whenever she talks about that picture....potty humour....they grow out of this, right?
Here is a close up of a mosiac craft we did together.
A close up of her Duplo blocks.
Our plant from a 4 yr old point of view.
A photo of a portrait in National Geographic of a 'cotton queen'.
A view out the window through our window sheer.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
'Dressy Western' Old Time Photos

In the slide show below, I have cropped the main photo into portraits.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
The Fruits of the Spirit.
This month, I plan to do the Fruits of the Spirit. They are all character qualities that I want to develop in the kids (and myself...) I am not sure that I can make them understand the abstract qualities of the 'fruits', but maybe one day it will make sense to them.
It is bitterly cold outside today(-38 plus windchill), and all schools were cancelled. Ryan had to report to work, but won't have any students today. So, Evelyn's pre-school was also cancelled. What to do? I googled 'Fruits of the Spirit' and found some wonderful resources. Both kids really got into the cadence call. It goes like this:
I don’t know what you’ve been told…
Galatians’ got the fruit of gold.
Patience, joy, love, peace and faith…
With gentleness He’ll get the praise.
Self-control with kind and good…
We’ll be like Jesus said we should…
Ask me what would Jesus do?
Galatians 5 Verse 22
Sound off: Galatians 5
Bring it on down: Verse 22
Galatians 5 Verse 22
(optional ending)
WE”VE GOT- (clap) - (stomp) - THE FRUIT!
Here is the linkto all the resources:
I love the translation in 'The Message' of this verse and the ones before it. It's a great juxtaposition of living for yourself and living for God (my comments in parenthesis):
Galatians 5:19-23.
"It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic show religion; paranoid lonliness; cutthroat competition; all-comsuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; and impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small minded and lopsided persuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. (Can you believe this was 2000 years ago!? It sounds like today!)
This isn't the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use our freedom this way, you will not inherit God's kingdom. (It's our choice how to act, but every choice has a consequence - good or bad)
But what happens when you live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard - things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way."
Then I looked for songs to help us memorize the verse. I came up with a simple and beautiful one that inspired me to try making a video to go with the first verse of the song. Here it is:
Saturday, 7 March 2009
More pics
I watched all the kids after bed on Wednesday while K-A and K went out on a little date. The first since J was born. Then, the next night, K-A and I quickly went to Value Village before it closed, then out for tea.
As usual, Evelyn made several 'friends' while at JM. She makes friends very easily. When it was time to go, I told my kids 'first one out gets a Jelly Bean' and ALL the kids in the gym all sped for the exit! I ended up awarding the jelly bean to one of Evelyn's new friends. He won the race!
Imagine, if you will, a long line of passengers, all waiting to board. They are tired, weary, bored, and probably hoping to have a quiet, 55 min flight to Edmonton. Just as pre boarding ends, they see Evelyn, running toward them, SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, tears of rage streaming down her cheeks followed by her little brother and frazzled Mom. She is crying about anything and everything that she can reasonably protest. "I don't want to go on the plane. I don't want my ears to pop. I want to play on the playground...."
What would be going through your mind as a potential travel mate of this banshee?
We were the last people to board. The attendant at the gate asked "Are you the Mom that had to visit the bathroom?" What a diplomatic way to ask if these were the kids who caused such a big disruption! "Yes, that's us. I think we are under control now" was my reply.
We stopped at Costco in Edmonton and arrived home around 8 pm. Whew! I'm not sure if I'm up to travelling with 2 kids on my own again. At least not when I have to lug car seats around too. Overall, they listened well. On the plane, they were very well behaved. Both seemed to like the take off and landing. We all enjoyed seeing the mountians. Maybe in a few more days, my shoulders will loosen enough for me to have a neck again!
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