The missing month was filled with visits and traveling. The snow started to significantly recede, and we enjoyed going for walks and playing in the mild weather. IT'S ABOUT TIME!! I love this pic of the kids holding hands on one walk.

Ethan can now hold on and gently swing like a big kid. He is very proud of this new skill. I'm glad he can actually swing at the school park now.

I drove to BC to visit my good friend K-A. We scrapbooked and thrift store shopped and I finished Evelyn's baby book COMPLETELY!!!! (her first 2 years) I also started Ethan's baby book.
Then, K-A and her kids drove back to big sky country with me. There was a freak spring snowstorm the 3 days before we left, but the roads had improved quite a bit by the time we got to the area. Unfortunately, the heavy snow made the kids and Nana snow bound for much of her visit. Ryan had 3 snow days! The roads were really bad with ice and drifted snow. K-A and I passed literally about 50 cars in the ditches and dividing median on our drive home. That was over about a 90 min stretch of road!

Evelyn and Ethan enjoyed a long visit with their Nana while I was away. Ethan was especially enamoured by his Nana. I understand that he would call for her from his crib in the morning in a sing-song voice "Naaaaa-Naaa". Cute.

The kids had a "Dora" party while I was gone. They made 'cupcake cones' that were baked in ice cream cones, and had hats and blowers. The party was followed by the movie 'Enchanted' which Evelyn really enjoys.

Evelyn had a long conversation with me on the phone while I was away. Ryan took this pic of her saying "Look Mom, Look! See?" as she held the phone up to her new box of crayons. She chatted away for about 10 minutes about...everything! It was neat to hear how much her phone skills have improved.
The day after I got home, I got to participate in a STARS simulation learning experience that was WONDERFUL. STARS is the name of the helicopters and fixed wing air planes that evacuate critically ill patients to the city. They brought out a souped up and decked out mobile home that had a 'dummy' that blinked, had a pulse, breathed in/out and more. It was very cool.

The next day, we visited Galaxy Land at WEM with Nana and K-A, D, B, and Casey. The kids had a great time. I think the motorcycles and air planes were the favourite rides. Casey really enjoyed the Carousel too. I took Evelyn and Ethan on the ferris wheel and they were so cute together. As I took pics of the two of them I was struck by how much he had matured. I leaned over and said to him "Ethan, you are becoming such a big boy, I am so proud of how well you are sitting." He paused for a moment, then stretched out his hands to be picked up (which I did) I then looked over my shoulder to see where the J's were at and felt a great big slobbery kiss being planted on my cheek by my big boy! He doesn't give out many of those, so it was pretty special to me.

After dropping Nana off at the airport, we had dinner at the Sahota's, then came home with our visitors (the J family) for a 2 night/ one day visit. The kids had a good time and played well together. They were only mean to their own siblings!

We went to the school and played on the snow covered playground. I tried to convince K-A that the snow really had melted, it really was bare just last week! You would never guess by how much had accumulated during the snow storm.

On Saturday, I drove the J's back to the Sahota's and visited for a little bit, then shopping and home. The kids had a blast on the trampoline. All 6 were on there at one point! When it came time to leave, we wanted to get a group pic of all the kids. Evelyn decided not to participate. Grrrrrr.... But, her choice. When we looked through all the photos yesterday, she asked "Where and I in the picture?" I told her she refused to participate and chose to sulk by the door rather than be in the picture. "Oh" said she. We did manage to wrestle her into this pic of K-A, D, B, and us. She looks like she's smiling, maybe it was all a game to her....!
Sunday was a free day and I studied for an upcoming course in ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) Mon, Tues (days) and Thurs evening I worked, Wed was a housework day. That brings me to today! We played outside on our newly-liberated lawn (the snow is gone!!!), and walked to the school and store to visit.

Ethan and Evelyn are both battling a nasty sinus cold. Some of the faces they show are textbook examples of sinus congestion. On Thursday afternoon, Evelyn would not nap - despite my best efforts. At about 4:30, she was sitting on my lap and asked for 'circle arms' and then a hand massage. (Circle arms is where I slide my circled thumb and forefinger up her arms in a massage) After about 5 min, I realized she was slumped over and sound asleep! What to do? It's too late for a proper nap, but she is a real bear if you wake her up... We let her sleep for about 45 min, then faced her wrath!
That is April in summary. One great big, super-sized post for your reading enjoyment!