This was the view from our window yesterday morning.
The view this morning is almost exactly the same.
I hope this snow doesn't mark the beginning of whiteness for the next 6 months, but it is possible.
Evelyn had fun outside. She swept the snow and made snow angels. She wanted to make snowballs, but the snow kept sticking to her mitts.
I am glad that I got to enjoy a second, more colourful, Autumn in Victoria. I can still see all the Reds and Oranges and lushness in my minds eye. Now, I have to remind myself of the beauty of the whiteness... It does fill the house with a great light - pure and gentle. It is actually brighter now than when the trees still had leaves. That is good....
Evelyn started asking about "Kris-Kras Trees". We explained that first came Ethan's birthday, then we will think about Christmas Trees.
Anyway, all you readers who are still enjoying Autumn and green, take heed! This may be your view in a couple months too! Enjoy the green and colours now!
Ryan and I firmly believe that little kids and dogs have way too much in common. They both learn tricks like 'stay', 'down', 'catch' and 'come', and they both put things in their mouths that an adult just cringes to think about.
I don't know how many times I have said the phrase "Don't lick the toilet seat" to each of my children. It is just one of those phrases I never thought I would ever have to utter. Yet, I have said variations of said phrase at least a dozen times. Perhaps it is the convenient height of the average commode. I really don't understand its almost hypnotic attraction to my kids mouths.
Dogs and children also eat food off the floor. Really, a crawler is almost as good as a dog for keeping the floor clear of cheerios and bread crumbs, and peas. Ethan likes to drop these things from his highchair so he can snack on them later - once he has worked up an appetite from scooting around. Their little bellies are essentially self-propelled 'swiffers' that catch every hair and dust bunny. I never thought my floors were that dirty - until Ethan started to tummy scoot. Really though, after all the kilometers that he has clocked scooting over my floors, they are no longer that dirty!
Dogs and young children also have an odd fascination for playing in - and eating their vomit. Gross, but true. Another phrase I never thought I would have to say (and say more than once) is "Don't play with your puke!" You see, and unfortunate side effect of scooting on your belly after you have just eaten is that your meal has a tendency to make an encore. It is just sitting there, right in front of your face, and it appeared out of nowhere! "What is this gelatinous goop?" "Ooh, look! It spreads around really well!" Are phrases I am sure float through Ethan's head as he investigates his newest appearing toy.
So all this preamble is just to get to the point that Ethan has learned his first trick. He will enthusiastically raise both his arms over his head with an excited little inhale of breath in response to the question "How big is Ethan?" I believe he is trying to answer "So Big!"
He is also getting the hang of peek a boo now. He prefers to play with a blanket or dish towel. I think the whole idea of his hands hiding whole body from view is a bit absurd to him. (Smart kid!) So he actually hides himself with a blanket. It's pretty cute.
I think he is trying to say "Ella" though it sounds more like "El-Lum." He almost seems to call her when he follows her around at times. He cut his second tooth the other day. Now his first is easily seen and will shortly be joined by it's neighbor to the right.
Oh, and he climbs. He tries to go from the kids bench to the coffee table, over the bench, along the bench... he also can climb up 2 stairs now. Watch out when we come to visit!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We look forward to seeing you soon!