The light was so good yesterday. I just had to take some pictures. ('Some' being about 100, but I'll just post the best of them). The leaves are falling to the ground already, which is both beautiful and a bit sad too.
By the way, there are a couple cute videos in the post titled "2 videos and a series of unfortunate events" If you are not among the 4 people who left comments, please check them out ;-)
Yes, she is trying to eat the tree.
For more pictures, visit my online album at:
Ethan has finally cut his first tooth! Evelyn only has one tooth to go, so I should be down to having only one child teething in the near future! Yah!
So, the day before Ethan cut that first tooth was an unusual day. Let me tell you about it....
It all started when I decided to wash my glass teapot. I thought "I'll wash it by hand in the sink so it won't break in the dishwasher." Good idea, but poorly executed. I dropped a mug on my teapot and smashed it in the sink. "Argh! Jeez, Bev! Get it together!" I say to myself as I clean all the shards up. That evening, after supper, I remove Ethan's tray and start washing him up. He promptly stretches forward and pulls on my place mat. This sends my full glass of OJ crashing to the floor. Glass and juice everywhere. I set about cleaning it up and adding this glass to the glass from my unfortunate teapot. I thought I got all the shards, but I must have dropped one on the rug by the garbage pail. I discovered this missed shard a while later, but there is more to the story before we get there...
Supper is cleared away, the juice is mopped up. I decide to start cutting up some butternut squash that I have baked as finger food for Ethan. All goes well for a while and I am feeling very satisfied with my efforts to provide wholesome finger food for my son. While my mind is occupied with these happy thoughts, I proceed to slice my thumb - right into my nail. "Argh! What is wrong with you, Bev?!?! Jeez!"
Blood is everywhere (except the squash) as I attempt to staunch the flow with a paper towel. Evelyn is so helpful and runs to get a band-aid for "Mommy's hurt finger." All is well again, but I decide I am not cutting the rest of that squash. Ryan helpfully completes that task while I nurse my wound.
So, bedtime for the kids rolls around and we all settle in to vegitate in front of the tube. Our calm is interrupted by a very odd cry and gagging sound that is coming from Ethan's room. Ryan jumps up to investigate and quickly calls me to the room. I discover Ethan, absolutely covered in a huge amount of vomit. It is in his hair, his ear, down his back, in his little hands, all over his crib - everywhere! I whisk him into the tub and wash him off. He screams the whole time and keeps crying until he is dry and dressed and cuddled. He had been fighting a stuffy and runny nose for a couple days, but we were at a loss for the cause of this episode.
Once he was calm, I nursed him again and proceeded to burp him. All of a sudden, I feel his tummy tense and make a retching motion. "Uh-Oh!" he's gonna blow! "Yuck!" Everything in his stomach is released all over me. Fortunately, he missed himself, so I did not have to change him again! I call Ryan for back-up support (namely a towel to mop up everything) I get changed, and decide to keep Ethan up for a while.
With his track record, I decide to stick close to the sink. So, there I am, with a sick baby clinging to and cuddling my shoulder. I am walking him around the kitchen to calm him when I feel a rather unpleasant, sharp sensation in the ball of my foot. After a sharp intake of breath, I attempt to investigate the sole of my foot without disrupting the cranky and sick infant who is clinging to my chest. More blood, and a small shard of glass that is still protruding from my foot. I remove it and ask for Ryan to bring me a band-aid.
Soon after applying my second band-aid of the evening, Ethan's stomach starts heaving again. Thankfully, there is nothing much left to come out, and I am still standing next to the sink. Once he is settled, I cuddled him on the couch for a while and put him to bed. He slept uneventfully until morning. I made it to bed without further incident, and the next morning, Ethan had cut his first tooth.
Thank Goodness, that day is done!
This picture of Ethan shows off his fat lip. Two days after the series of unfortunate events, Ethan gave himself a really good split lip. He was pulling himself up to standing, decided to sit down, and caught his lip on the edge of the step stool he was holding on to. Blood everywhere (again) and Evelyn was so concerned. She wanted to put a band-aid on it so badly. She thinks they make everything feel better and wanted to make Ethan feel better too.
After a quick breastfeed, the bleeding had stopped, and I could assess the damage. He managed to split both the inside and outside of his lip. It was pretty swollen for a couple days, but looks almost normal now. I was surprised by how he ate and played and mouthed things without a problem. Poor little guy!
Here are a few more choice conversations heard recently around the Cracknell house.
Ryan got a haircut a few days ago (on his 29th birthday, right after we wrote our wills) and upon returning home, Evelyn immediately noticed his new 'do. It went something like this:
"Daddy home!, Daddy got a haircut!?!" "Do you like it?" Asks Ryan "It's so funny! Ha Ha Ha!" "My haircut is funny? Don't you like it?" "Make you feel better Daddy." "How will you do that?" "Need a hammer!" How about that comment to make you feel good about your new cut? On your birthday no less!
We celebrated Ryan's birthday the day before with a special dinner. Evelyn was so excited all that day that it was his birthday. She wanted to have balloons and hats and "pretty letters on the wall" (that say 'happy birthday') and a cake - no, a bunny cake! Then he had to have presents, and "Evelyn have a birthday present?" (nice try!) She is really into birthdays right now! We did not have a bunny cake, but I made some cupcakes and Evelyn chose some star-shaped sprinkles to put on top.
Both Ethan and Evelyn are in the midst of sinus colds. Evelyn is really good about using a tissue to wipe her nose. A recent conversation went like this:
"May I have a tissue please?" "Oh, yah, you need to wipe your nose," I reply. "It's got honey in it!"
HA HA HA! how appropriate that deduction is!
As you can well imagine, my home has not been serene with two ill kids. Ethan is also teething very actively at the moment. That first tooth is getting so close! He has also become much more mobile and has begun to explore every nook, cranny and crumb in the house. I think this makes him into a regular little kid in Evelyn's mind. She has been more rough in her interactions with him, now that he is not a little baby. Ethan spends much of his time on the floor on his belly while he scoots around. This makes him very easily accessible, and Evelyn has taken to sitting on him like he is a horse! Let's just say, Ethan is not appreciative of his new role to his sister. I don't think he has aspirations to become a beast of burden!
This morning Evelyn figured out that we were going to be going on a trip to Victoria soon. She has not stopped talking about it. She says it will be a long car ride, she'll see mountains (and maybe a mountain goat too), we'll go on a ferry and see the ocean. She wants to build sand castles and play with her auntie Dawne's cats. She also really wants to see D and B and Casey. I explained that we ware not going for a long time yet. Lots and lots of sleeps still. So, she promptly replied "I want to go to sleep now" I guess she thought she could knock a few sleeps off today, and we could go sooner!
Here is a video with some of her Victoria talk.
Who wants to play a little game? We'll call it 'So you think you can dress yourself?'
So, let's break down getting dressed into smaller goals and give each goal a point value. The more important a goal is to ones overall comfort, the higher the point value.
Now, having your shirt on your torso and pants on your legs is pretty important. Let's give those 2 points each. Having each piece facing the right way will be worth another point a piece. Having it right-side-out, another point. And, finally, putting it on right-side-up will be worth...we'll make it 2 points a piece. (imagine wearing your pants upside-down!)
So, a properly dressed person, wearing a shirt and pants should score 12 points.
Okay, to play this game, take a good look at the picture below. Now, count up how many points Evelyn should get.How did she do? Post your answer in the reply sections and we'll see who wins ;-)
Evelyn now wants to brush her own hair - at least for a little while (then it is my turn). But, the other day, she sat nicely for long enough to let me french-braid her hair. This was the first time she has let me do that. I thought it looked pretty nice.
This morning, she let me take a picture of her in one of her new sweaters that has a matching hat and scarf. She thought the scarf was pretty fun.
A few days ago, we bribed her into letting us take a picture of her in a sailor dress she has had for a while. For her own irrational reasons, she has decided to dislike that dress (and a few others I have bought her). The bribe worked very well, and she was most compliant with having her picture taken. I think it looks very cute, and, after she actually let herself wear it, I think she liked it too.
Evelyn is really missing having Daddy around. There have been many more tantrums than usual the past few days. It was cute when he came home today, she asked "Have fun at school today, Daddy?" Then a little later, she was talking about how the kids ride on the school bus and asked "Maybe Evelyn ride the school bus?"